Beauty Crowd is something I have been a fan of for a while and so when I seen that they had started their own blog tag , I thought too right I am joining in. They have set out a variety of questions that they have asked then answered themselves and I love this sort of thing as it is fun and helps me get to know the person who is doing the blog a little bit more. So here are their questions with my answers I would love to see you join in too. 1. Would you rather be able to apply eyeliner perfectly or be able to contour like Kim Kardashian?
Oh most definately eyeliner, I can not go one day without applying liner its almost my addiction. 2. Would you rather wear foundation which is two shades lighter or two shades darker? I would wear lighter as I could always put a gorgeous blush on to make it look fab, I am not a fan of the orange or tanned look anyway. 3. Would you rather wear no lipstick ever again or no eyeliner ever again? Has to be lipstick , as I have already said, liner is my addiction , could not go without it. 4. Would you rather give up your foundation or your mascara? I would rather give up my mascara , I have very short lashes anyway and theres always falsies hehe. 5. Would you rather apply your makeup yourself with no mirror whilst on a bumpy car journey or ask a 5 year old child to do it? I can actually apply my makeup in the car without a mirror anyway so it is definately my option, if I let my 5yr old do it he would have me like a clown for sure. 6. Would you rather wear exactly the same makeup every single day for the rest of your life or drastically change your makeup every single day for the rest of your life (even if it doesn’t suit you!)? I have to say the same makeup as I am not great for drastic changes . 7. Would rather have dodgy brows or have patchy fake tan? Ooooh hard one, but I have dodgy brows already so this is my answer lol. 8. Would you rather have perfectly white teeth or have your perfect hairstyle? Teeth, I have had a nightmare with my teeth all my life not for discolouration but for their unperfect shape and size. Having those white straight teeth are a dream to me. 9. Would you rather wear the same colour nail varnish for the rest of your life or be able to change the colours of your varnish whenever you like but it’s always a little bit smudged? Oh has to be perfect or I will pick at it so have to say the same colour . 10. Would you rather have lots of scented body and perfume products that smell amazing to you but to everyone else you smell like pine tree car air freshener or have products that smell average to you but smell incredible to those around you? I would prefer to smell lovely to others as I can never smell perfumes and usually spray too much and over do it lol, so if the husband likes me smelling nice it would make me feel better. So there you have it my answers. If you wish to join in feel free to copy all questions and Beauty Crowds Tag Badge and tweet them your answers to @Beautycrowd
8/3/2014 01:24:25 pm
I am not sure I've EVER managed to put on liner properly! looks dead glam when you get it right though!
10/3/2014 05:24:01 am
i was the same for many years and still sometimes i have problems but eventually with practice it becomes easier x
8/3/2014 05:36:14 pm
Wow, this is so much fun! I love this tag and for no. 7 I'm going for dodgy brows since I have these too hahah.
19/3/2014 01:55:48 pm
I totally love your blog, I just started following you on blogloving.
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