Last week I was asked if I would like to try out the new Tube heroes collection and of course I said yes especially as it was an opportunity for the boys to enjoy something new to play with. I had no idea what on earth Tube heroes were and before taking a peak online , I think I kind of expected them to be some sort of Superheroes in a tube type toy . How wrong was I? When I did however research into the name, I found that this was not the case at all and in fact Tube heroes are in deed real people who have became quite a sensation among the Youtube followers. There is no clear telling to what they actually do but once the box came through the door , my little ones instantly dived on me to tell me who they were without me even mentioning the name. I was asked to do this review with a child aged 6 years plus but being that Kaiden is soon to be 6 in a couple of months and the matter that he had already opened up the box to find its contents meant that he decided he was already old enough to play with them so we allowed him . We received three items inside the box , all wrapped in red and black tissue paper which was great fun to open and very exciting for Kaiden. On looking at the contents I instantly recognized the shape like figures as something that Kaiden and two of the older children in our household have been enjoying playing on their consoles for the past year or so and just as I was about to say something they all jumped up to confirm my thoughts. ''Oh wow how cool, its the You tubers for Minecraft tutorials , they are their own characters''! I was not quite sure what they meant as I personally have not been a great fan of Minecraft or their You tube tutorials but the children insisted that they were very cool and lots of people loved watching them . They were in my own opinion Lego like toys with a Minecraft theme and feel to them . As well as receiving two of the figures , we also received one of the plush toys to. TNT Guy has been given his name because he is simply in love with anything that goes boom and the fact that he can not die and indestructible makes him one of the most liked Heroes of all of the characters. He is well known from making Minecraft Machinimas and is a You tube sensation. Check out his pretty cool video here and why not give the little man a follow to. Next up we opened up the Caveman figure and I have to say this is my own very little favourite . The figure just like the others is made to represent Minecraft You tubers characters and they pose really well. I like that they actually have knees that bend for a starters as figures like this do not usually have that feature making them look a little stiff when in play. Being articulate makes them more appealing . This little figure has two weapons and a shield . He even sports that most fashionable accesory in the beauty world lately, The beard! Yes I find that cute. This Hero is famous for his survival instincts of the Minecraft world. He can appear at anytime and anywhere and even summon his wildlife friends if ever needed to help defeat those Demon Birds. This is the TNT plushy toy . My son has been loving how soft this is and been sleeping with him for a week now . It really is amazing how soft they are. So there you have it . Some of the new range of toys from featuring the Tube heroes are really awesome.
The age range was meant to be from around the ages of 6 years and up but my son is a little younger and although he knows nothing of these characters in respect to being You tubers he loves the toys themselves. The older children who do like to watch You tube for Minecraft tutorials and other fan movies that are related, they actually think the idea of having the You tubers made into toys is pretty awesome. They were not really interested in playing with them unlike the 5 and 6 year old boys but the whole concept excited them and I actually find the watching them more regular now . From a parents perspective the toys are really well made . Each single figure costs £8 each and the plush are also £8 each to. The one toy that I know my son would love most to try is the Captain Sparklez slime sword which is actually the most highly proced toy in the range at £15. So what do you think of the new line from Jazwares toys and could the whole You tubers fame branding become a new thing that you would be interested in ?
2/10/2015 02:07:36 pm
My daughter is obsessed with Minecraft, so I think these would appeal.
2/10/2015 08:04:28 pm
My son would love this, must look into getting it for his Christmas
Hannah Wood
2/10/2015 08:48:30 pm
Oh wow I don't know them they sure look cool!
2/10/2015 10:03:23 pm
Oh wow totally not what I would have expected from the name either. x
3/10/2015 09:00:26 am
We loved Tube Heroes too - I was amazed how many of the characters H already knew.
3/10/2015 02:40:51 pm
My son would go crazy over these figures! He adores watching YouTube videos of Minecraft and has his favourites.
3/10/2015 08:11:40 pm
I haven't seen these yet as my son is still in the youtube surprise egg stage ;) but they look very cool!
5/10/2015 10:52:24 am
I've never heard of these, probably because my girls aren't Minecraft fans and they love Zoella on You Tube, rarely watching anything else!
5/10/2015 11:36:43 am
I'm amazed that there are toys of Youtubers - but I guess that I shouldn't be because kids enjoy watching Youtube so much!
5/10/2015 08:23:47 pm
Riley would love these! He's thinking about his Christmas list at the moment and this will definitely be added if I show him!!
5/10/2015 11:22:04 pm
Wow, so you tubers are being made into toys now. Blimey thats a step I never expected. Like the fact that the costs are low so making them easy gifts for people to buy
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